TKKM o Tuia te Matangi is an active advocate, by word and example, to revitalize te reo Māori me ngā Tikanga with our internal kura community and outwards to our hāpori, and rohe. As we all know and understand, such a Kaupapa requires commitment of not only the tamaiti/child, but his or her whānau also. This helps and guides the students’ growth through exampled learning, and the correct support needed to excel them in their journey, as this journey requires the commitment of ‘…the village’ , as the success of the tamaiti, belongs to the success of the whānau!

Tamariki wishing to attend TKKM o Tuia te Matangi must [1] transfer from a Kohanga reo, Puna reo, or [2] transfer from another Kura Kaupapa Māori with a strong foundation in te reo Māori. On rare occasion, and where the tamaiti & whānau have a proven environment of kaupapa Māori ECE development, the Tumuaki may consider tono outside of this.
Te reo Māori in the home: Reo Māori equal to, or greater than that of your tamaiti. At least one parent/caregiver must have te reo Māori or is currently studying/enrolling on a reo Māori course, to be able to support your tamaiti. The Māori language must be growing in your home to ensure that as your child’s reo grows, so does that of his/her immediate environment.
TKKM o Tuia te Matangi have working groups (Ohu mahi), which all whānau are to be represented in at least one. Ohu include (1) Mā te huruhuru, ka rere/Fundraising, Grants & Funding, (2) Hākinakina, (3) Marautanga/Curriclum, and (4) Tuia te Rangi, Tuia te Whenua/Policies & Charter.
TKKM o Tuia te Matangi encourage Whānau whakahaere; whānau accountability, management, and representation, in all facets of the kura community. Every 4-6 weeks, hui-ā-whānau are held, and as needed, there are sometimes called, special hui. A parent/representative from each whānau is expected to attend. If, for valid reasons you cannot attend, it is your responsibility to organize other representation, or give your apologies to the Kaihautū Tari prior to hui.

A whānau (new to the KKM journey) requests for their tamaiti/tamariki to be considered for enrolment at TKKM o Tuia te Matangi:
Form: He Tono hiahia kia Whakauru Tamaiti. Take forms away, read through. If you choose to enrol, complete & return to kura.
Uiui: An uiui is organised. This will take place with either the Kaihautū Tari or Tumuaki. Prospectus given, Enrolment forms enclosed.
Decision: will likely be made before whānau leaves the uiui, unless there is further information required. Then the whānau will be contacted following, with a decision.
A whānau transfers from another KKM, requests to enrol:
Uiui: An uiui is organised. This will take place with either the Kaihautū Tari or Tumuaki. TKKMoTTM Prospectus given, Enrolment forms enclosed, to be completed and returned for uiui.
Decision: will likely be made before whānau leaves the uiui, unless there is further information required. Then the whānau will be contacted following, with a decision.
For new entrants, at least three visits will be organised with Kaiahipua pouako and whānau before the tamaiti starts kura.
If your child & whānau are accepted, the interviewer will discuss a pōwhiri time that suits both the whānau and kura schedule.