Whitiwhitia ko te hei, ā, ko te heipū ki te ngākau, ko te ngākau rorotu koia te rīriki ka arahia. Ko te Ihu ki mua, te hoe ki roto, whakatereterea ko te puna o te Mātauranga mō tana whānau me ana tamariki.
Te tai Nuku, te tai Rangi, te tai o Koro nui,
Koro roa, Koro te Ariki
Ano ko Kiwa, ko Raukawa, ko Taitapu, ko Aorere
Ka tau Ko ‘Katu Waka, ‘Katu Taonga, ‘Katu Tangata
Tuia i runga, tuia i raro. Tuia i roto, tuia i waho
Ma te hone matangi te mata kohika e kawe
Kia tuia te matangi ki runga, ki raro, ki roto, ki waho
Ae ra, ko Tuia te Matangi hei puke marama
Ki te wheiao, ki te ao marama - Tihei Mauri Ora!

An important and unique [to Te Tauihu] aspect of Tuia te Matangi is the absence of blatant reo Pākehā spoken on the kura campus. The only kura spaces that allow conversation or learning in English, is the Tumuaki office and reception area. This is a conscious value, and therefore fundamental tikanga, originally proposed in 2010 by the establishment board, and endorsed by kaumātua. Other key values include:
Manaakitanga - The act of service, kindness, help, compassion; fulfilling opportunities to care for others welfare before our own;
Kaitiakitanga - Our responsibility to take care of or protect others, respecting and celebrating diversity, accepting ours and others in their differences, a sense of awareness and stewardship for others;
Rangatiratanga - To act, think and speak in a chiefly manner, to find an intimate understanding to ‘forget yourself and go to work’;
Honesty & Integrity - Having the courage and honesty to stand out, stand up and take ownership for our actions and your truth;
Humility - That we will strive to find peace and strength in knowledge and through an unfiltered relationship with wairua, our internal selves;
Gratitude & Appreciation - In all the above values, we will strive to always exercise our gratitude for opportunities that allow us to grow, and to uplift others in their moments of joy, and struggle.
Tuakana/Teina, Ownership & Representation, Hinengaro Koi, Aroha, Proud to be Māori, Pukumahi, Wairua Māori, Tangatanga te Reo, Tamaiti ka piki mai i te hapa, Ngākau Māhaki, Toa ki te Tākaro, Work Ethic & Discipline, People & Relationships, Planet-conscious, Ngā Tikanga Tuku Iho, & Purpose & Meaning of Life, Wealth & Happiness.
* This above content does not limit our ability and/or desire to grow and develop other aptitudes that improve us and our lives.