We have five reanga (generations, or classrooms) for learning instruction. These are defined by year groups and ability.
Kaiahipua Yr 0 - 2
Tīheru Yr 3 - 4
Hoewaka Yr 3 - 5
Kaumoana Yr 6 - 8
Kaiurungi Yr 9 - 13
At Tuia te Matangi, Wharekura, or secondary level, begins from Yr9. There are certain NCEA1 subjects that our younger wharekura ākonga will have the opportunity to participate in, and this may be either through credit achievement or unit standards.
To cater for our older wharekura ākonga, we maintain relationships with institutions such as the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) Top of the South Trades Academy, Kura Pounamu (Correspondence School), and Te Wānanga o Raukawa. These opportunities include academic achievements such as NCEA1-3, National Certificate level training, and a Diploma in Mātauranga Māori, and the like.