Kia tūturu anō te reo Māori ki Te Tau Ihu o te Waka a Māui
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Tuia te Matangi was a passionate desire for Te Tau Ihu Tangata Whenua for more than 30 years. Cloaked by those aspirations, in 2004 a working group was re-formed to progress this moemoeā. As the journey took on momentum, a name was gifted to the kaupapa, Tuia te Matangi. We acknowledge the support and guidance of Tangata Whenua iwi through this process; Ngāti Kuia, Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Rārua, Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, Rangitane o Wairau, and Ngāti Toa Rangatira. In doing so, it is as important to express gratitude for the many mātāwaka who gave of their time, knowledge, and experience in this journey also, and continue to do so.
As guided by those who worked so hard to bring this kaupapa to fruition, TKKM o Tuia te Matangi strives to maintain, and resonates the importance of developing young people in their inherent potential to be leaders, exemplars, and contributors within their communities, and to their iwi, hapū and whānau. The realisation of their worth and strength should always be a key contributor to the way in which Tuia te Matangi delivers and shares (not withstanding being recipients also) knowledge, learning, Mātauranga, and opportunities to grow in our cultural aptitude.

Learning With No Bounds
Kia Wairua Māori. Kia Tangata Māori. Kia Reo Māori. Ana te Hā!. Nā ko te moemoeā tēnei mō ngā tamariki o te Tauihu kia ako i ngā kaupapa katoa i te reo Māori, kia tipu mai i te iti ki te rahi, ko roto ko ōku tūpuna ko waho ko ōku tūpuna he tangatanga ana toki katoa. Kei ia tamaiti tana ake pitomata, pērā me te onepū he mutunga kore ana huarahi, mā te kura e taunaki, mā te whānau e taunaki ko te reo Rangatira te reo hei kawe i te kaupapa.
The whakatauāki for Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Tuia te Matangi resonates one’s endurance to become a conduit of indigenous example through the pursuit of academic, social, cultural, and spiritual excellence. These words were composed not just for ākonga, but for the whānau, iwi and hapū, as the journey is one taken as a collective for the success of all.
Tuia te Matangi is a composite kura, catering for Yr0-Yr14. Our new entrant programme implements a strong reo Māori base to build the tamaiti in language fundamentals, building their foundations for learning in reo Māori. As stated in Strategic Goal1; Priority continues to be given to student progress and achievement in literacy & numeracy, and Te Reo Matatini and pāngarau, especially years 1-8, as is physical activity that develops movement skills, yr1-6.
We expect that as ākonga enter years 8-10 respectively, they will have a level of competence to take NCEA1-2 credited or unit standard exams. As students transition from this point to years 11-13, so does the concession for extensive individual learning plans that cater for their identified needs, aspirations, and career pathways.
Concluding, Kura kaupapa Māori may be described as a marathon, for it requires perseverance, commitment, courage, and bravery. These qualities will serve the akonga, their whānau, and the wider hāpori well, in receiving young leaders who understand their self-worth, the importance and significance of others, and the beauty and strength in diversity and unity. Nau mai, nau mai, haere mai!
Antz deThierry Tumuaki (Principal)